Annual Conference

While this post may be a little late to the game, it has been appropriate to wait on this until more of the major details had been finalized.
As many already know from both Twitter and the main VMUG website, the date for the annual conference—previously in the winter near the holidays—has been moved forward to Tuesday, June 10, 2014. The leadership team had wanted to move the conference into a different part of the year (to get away from the holidays) and was working to slowly accomplish this; however, there were simply too many conflicts in the fall. We simply “bit the bullet” and moved it to summer, which is what we’d had in mind for a goal all along.
Registration for the conference is open!
Satyam VaghaniAs in previous years, we have a great list of sponsors, break-outs and guest speakers planned. Our opening keynote session will be delivered by “Mr. VMFS” himself, Satyam Vaghani. Satyam is currently the CTO and co-founder of PernixData, delivering a new wave of distruptive technology into the VMware ecosystem; expect a walk down memory lane as he recounts some of the early days of VMware and the development of the game-changing shared filesystem which allowed shared-storage clusters and—arguably the most disruptive of all tech—the development of vMotion.
Kevin MitnickOur lunchtime keynote will be a special question-and-answer session with VMware security maven Mike Foley and the man infamously known as “the world’s most wanted hacker,” Kevin Mitnick. While he may have a storied past, Kevin is now a principle in a successful security consulting firm, has written several books and is an engaging speaker for both technical and non-technical audiences alike. Expect a mix of history—Mike was on the receiving end of one of Kevin’s “adventures”—and current practices to be covered in this unique session.

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