Hello New Year!

As we roll into 2014, your KC VMUG steering committee has lots of changes in store for the group, and we hope you’ll all be along for the ride…
The first big change is our regular meeting location. As indicated in a previous post, we were looking at having meetings at Dark Horse Distillery; we’ve been able to come to an agreement with them, and our first meeting in the new space is already taking registration. Additional dates for the year are posted in the calendar, so you can add “save the date” entries for the year.
The second big change is the date for our all-day Superconference. We’ve traditionally (if five years makes a tradition) held it near the end-of-year holidays, but that’s been a repeating challenge for staff, speakers, the steering committe and attendees in one way or another since our first year. We’ve had great attendance & feedback, but we’ve always wanted to get it earlier in the year to avoid that holiday mess. We took our first step last year by holding the event in November instead of December, and had hoped to move it to October in 2014, but it just didn’t work out logistically. We looked at a number of alternatives for times & venues, but it just wouldn’t play out; September and August were also bad due to VMworld, so we looked even earlier in the year and were able to settle on Tuesday, 10-June.
We like the mid-Summer date; we’ve always been shooting for that timeframe, where minimal industry conference conflicts will be occurring. While this year it’s a big jump—and leaves us far less than a year between dates—we’re working hard to bring great content to Kansas City for another spectacular event.

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