#vBeers in KC (long time, no see)

Brooksider Bar & Grill, 6330 Brookside Plaza, KCMOIt’s been a long time since the last one, but a #vBeers event has been planned for the KC area. VMUG member and vExpert Shane Williford (@coolsport00)gets credit for getting the ball rolling.
Who: Anyone interested in technology, virtualization in particular
What: A byob happy-hour social gathering
Why: Why not?!?
Where: Brooksider Bar & Grill, 63rd & Brookside Plaza
When: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 6:30pm
How: Bring yourself, your friends, your co-workers for an unstructured social hour devoted to all things virtual
For more information about the #vBeers movement, check out the official home.
Disclaimer: This is not an official VMware/VMUG event, but because it’s aimed at the virtualization community, we thought you might want to know!

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