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Join the KC VMUG!

Yes, it’s true: the VMware User Groups have a premium, paid membership program called “VMUG Advantage” with a number of outstanding benefits, while basic membership is free. Many VMware users might not realize, however, that VMUG membership isn’t automatic: you aren’t a member simply by purchasing software (or downloading the free stuff!), you have to intentionally sign up to be a member.

What are the benefits? You become a member of the premier user group in Kansas City, and along with your fellow members, stay abreast of VMware-relevant events in the area.

In 2011, the KC VMUG itself will present three smaller, quarterly meetings, followed up by an all-day, regional-scale meeting—with nearly three dozen sponsors—in December. In addition to the regular meetings, KC VMUG members have received either exclusive or early-bird invitations for allied events being presented by VMware and partner organizations.

VMUG members are some of the most desired contacts in the virtualization community. You are typically the “in the trenches” folks who are dealing with VMware projects on a day-to-day basis. You’ve “been there” and “done that”, and you’ve done it small and you’ve done it big. And you’re happy to share your experiences with your fellow members.

Join the KC VMUG today!


VMware Vblock Lunch & Learn

On Wednesday, June 8, VMware is presenting a lunch & learn sponsored by EMC which will cover the Vblock offering from the VCE, Inc partnership. The invitation can be found here, along with links for registration. Due to limited seating, VMware is extending this on a first-come, first-served basis.

Event Details:

Wednesday, June 8
Maker’s Mark
1333 Walnut Street
Kansas City, MO 64105
Phone: 816-442-8115


VMware Performance & Support Day — Final Agenda

The final agenda for the VMware Performance & Support Day is in, so if you’ve been on the fence about coming, here’s an opportunity to take a second look:

10:45am : vStorage Best Practices
12:15 pm: Ask the Experts Luncheon
12:45 pm: Migration to ESXi
2:15 pm : Performance Best Practices
3:15 pm : Q&A with the Experts

Isilon deep-dive

Have you wondered about what made Isilon special enough to attract EMC? What made it worth adding to the storage giant’s portfolio? Well, Ars Technica has a nice writeup that may answer your questions…


VMware Performance & Support Day

VMware is presenting a technical training day on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 by their Global Support Services group. This is a 3/4-day technical event with sessions selected from the following list:

  • Storage Best Practices / Technical Deep Dive
  • Performance Best Practices / Technical Deep Dive
  • Networking Best Practices / Technical Deep Dive
  • System Management Best Practices / Technical Deep Dive
  • Top 10 Support Issues
  • vSphere Best Practices / Technical Deep Dive
  • View Best Practices / Technical Deep Dive
  • Top 10 KB Articles or KBTVs
  • ESXi Readiness (release of vSphere 5 will only use that version)
  • Transition from ESXi from ESX Classic
  • Emerging Products Technology (i.e: Guest Gems — Hyperic and Alive)
  • vCloud Demo
  • vCenter Ops (aka: Standard AliveVM) Demo
  • Zimbra Demo
  • vCM Demo

There is only time & space for a selected number of the above topics, so VMware is taking your feedback when you register for the event to create the agenda.

The training day will be held at the Cerner Riverport facility, where the VMUG has hosted several events in the past. The event runs from 10:30am to 4pm, and includes lunch. Check-in starts at 10am.

Cerner Riverport Campus
“Sports Bar”
6711 NE Birmingham Rd
Kansas City, MO 64117